Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reading between the lines

While the technical aspects of a scam were dissected on a daily basis, over each lurch that the investigators stumbled upon, the newspapers reflected their interpretation of the daily findings. Apart from missing the big picture, matters definitely looked too technical for the appointed journalists who came up with hilarious headlines – hilarious for the ones in profession. Sadly, it depicted a worrisome picture to the layman. This is the impression which was gaining focus in my young son’s mind who had just started his college and was under the impression that all aspects in this world are black and white.

‘Dad, we were taught in school to read the lines but pray, how does one read between them? All I see is a small white space.’ Understanding his predicament I advised him, ‘You need to alter your sight’. Taking it literally, he squinted at the newspaper in his hand and said, ‘No good. I still see only the blank space. Do you think I need high powered spectacles?’ I nodded in ascent. ‘You do, son but these spectacles are not easy to buy at any shop. For that you will have to train under your Uncle at his legal firm. You see, the legal professionals are expert at writing in-between the lines so they are expert readers too as their opposing client also has an equally proficient professional.’ ‘My God!’ exclaimed my son, ‘they must be having vision and tools of a neuro-surgeon!’ As we were really diverting from what reading between the line really meant, I decided to give some examples.
‘Oh I get it now’ said my son. ‘When Rahul asked his girlfriend whether they could go steady, she said she would give it a thought and let him know. Now I understand what she meant was that she had a better alternative but in case that did not work out, Rahul was available in the wings.’ I smacked my head, as I should have given him just one example he could relate to instead of the scores of others.

As I started for work the next day, I recalled this conversation with my son and began to sweat. How the hell am I to read between the lines of the computer screen? All administration is now-a-days done through a computer.