Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Accidental Hacker my forthcoming book

The story is about hacking and how it is done at small scale at individual level as well at the higher level of Governments as a means of the fourth front of war. The background is based on real events and published news of China’s Cyber Army. Effects or results of their actions mentioned here seem eerily true regarding Frankfurt airport computers being down an hour, designs of latest air-force planes of USA being leaked to China, latest computers & cell phones being assembled in China etc. It is difficult to mark where reality ends and fiction begins. Many hacking techniques are mentioned here, some are well known while some are admittedly yet to be known to the outside world.

The story is about an average employee ‘Rohit’ of a Business Process Outsourcing Company (BPO) also having a Call Centre Division. The reader gets insight into how he tries to solve problems and unknowingly hacks – opens files he is not supposed to. It begins with the simple example of a colleague claiming to have forgotten password to a WORD file which later transpires to be question paper of the HR department. It then escalates to the company’s Singapore office playing dirty by diverting incoming calls business to cheaper China. The book delves into the mind of the problem solver and takes the reader through iterative methodologies as well as the inspiration for the implemented solution. One such solution crosses the path of General Ping the head of China’s Cyber Division who gets hell bent on kidnapping Rohit.  While the other good hackers in India called White hatters are killed by China as a prelude to one operation to enhance their territory into India, Rohit is wanted alive to use his brain for them. 

When the company does not stand by him for the actions ordered by the management, Rohit is forced to flee to an alternative job but gets kidnapped on the airport. On the way the Indian Cyber Force mistake him to be a Chinese Agent but are able to note just in time to save him. The chase takes him to Singapore where there is a shootout and he is handed over for protection to an elite international Cyber force travelling around the world in a ship. China’s investments over the world are also helped by General Ping’s Department in China, is part of this story taking Rohit to Sydney. Romance is provided in the form of a love triangle between the Call Centre Head Sheela for whom Rohit provided a solution proving his undoing attracting trigger sight of General Ping and Susan an international jet setting reporter for an Information Technology Magazine of Europe. With situational humor thrown in, it makes this book light informative reading. 

Reading this is a must if you use a computer.