I was busy pouring over a management consultancy file when the door was opened and two safari clad muscle men stood in doorway announcing to me that their ‘Saheb’ was arriving. I looked up amused as no VIP comes to my small consulting firm. In the history of this firm one IP Trade union leader needed consulting where I was summoned to his office and made to wait to seek his audience. Saheb walked in with pomp breathing heavily either due to his overweight or anger which caused him to redden his face.
“What legal option can we have against the Trump fellow?” he wasted no time. I was puzzled as we dealt local corporate matter only. “You mean the President of USA?” I asked. He nodded. “What has he done to you that you want to sue him?” I asked fearfully. “He renamed Gulf of Mexico as Gulf of America’ thundered the Saheb. I was puzzled how a local party leader was affected by an action of renaming miles apart. “And you are suffering because…..” I asked expecting him to complete my sentence.
“Renaming is our monopoly” he thundered. “All British named roads of Mumbai were renamed by us. Transition from Bombay to Mumbai was by us. Airports to Flyovers even school like King George were all were renamed by us. The other party just named roads and institutions after their family members”. “ Did you want Gulf of Mexico to be named after a Peshwa King?” I was now daring to go sarcastic.
He shook his head. “Just like the press you misunderstand and misquote us. Renaming is the action our party does not like to be done by others. Tomorrow he will rename our landmarks like even the Taj Mahal will be named Trump Taj after his failed venture.” “Why will Trump care about a territory that is so far away?” I wondered loudly. Prompt came the reply as if I was foolish to ask this question. “He is gulping down Canada, and Greenland so what stops him from renaming things in India?” He had a point there. “That is the moment we fear. I want you to copyright our monopoly of renaming anything in India”
I smacked my head in frustration on his ignorance. “Copyright can be of design, formula or a book. Even colours of packaging. But not an action.” “But this our USP (Unique selling point)” he tried to show me he was a management graduate. “Given me some solution so that the hard earned USP or decades is not wiped out by this Trump fellow”. ‘So you want to stop him before he looks at India?” I asked knowing fully well his Trump Tower was planned in Mumbai so the man knows India exists which was reinforced by planeload of Indians he sent back by a military plane secretly photographing the terrain on the way.
“Use the strategy – If you can’t beat them, Join them” I announced the solution. He looked still dumb instead of embracing me for giving the solution. These politicians are really slow I thought to myself. ‘How?” he asked. This was the cue for me to explain my fees to pay in advance before I blurted out the solution. After he paid I told him, “Make Trump a honorary member of your party. Send him membership card with rules which demand unanimous voting for any renaming. If he tries, don’t let the renaming pass through.” I announced my trump (no pun) tactic. As the party did not have any such rule I also got assignment of making the rule book for them.
Trump created an opportunity of consulting income unknowingly miles away from Gulf of Mexico sorry Gulf of America.
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